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Tag - safe

RECALL: Defects discovered in self-rescuers

A batch of self-rescuers have been recommended to be returned for assessment due to a defect has been revealed by a NSW Mine Safety Alert. The SR50 and SR100A self rescuers have been recommended by...


A need fulfilled

John Fleming writes about the development of the Australian Pipelines and Gas Association PE Code of Practice. The rapid development of the three LNG plants and the massive field infrastructure which...


Safety Differently

Professor, author and pilot Sidney Dekker talks safety from 30,000ft, “overparenting” in the mining industry, and how one Australian mine has scrapped all safety procedures in a brave experiment...

Driver crashes into underground mine wall

The driver of a personnel transport and service light vehicle crashed into a wall underground, prompting a NSW Mine Safety alert. The vehicle, which contained the driver and two passengers, lost...

China to close more than 1000 coal mines

The Chinese mining industry is expected to take a huge hit this year, with the country planning to close more than 1000 coal mines in 2016. The closures are in response to faltering demand for coal...


Driving Technology

Driving is one of the most dangerous things we all do on a regular basis and it has been identified by mining companies as a considerable risk – with many companies indicating it is the number one...