Improving operational processes whilst controlling asset compliance. Want to know where your electrical equipment is? Want to keep track of your equipment going underground? To achieve smart...
Tag - assets
Sam Wylie, Melbourne Business School During the commodity price boom from 2004-2011 BHP Billiton’s board raised the firm’s dividend to an unsustainable level. Now, in the commodity bust, the board...
Mining giant Anglo American has announced it will sell off it’s Queensland coal mines, including three Moranbah operations. The company said the Moranbah North and Grosvenor Mines were up for...
QGC’s gas pipeline, connecting their LNG plant at Curtis Island to coal seam gas wells in the Surat Basin, is up for sale for a reported $4 billion plus. QGC’s parent company, UK-based BG Group, is...
In a statement released late Friday, BHP Billiton announced they were strongly considering a ‘demerger of a selection of assets’ as part of their ‘next phase of...
5 tips to ensure remote mining camp construction best practice The following interview, first podcasted by MiningiQ, is focussed on the many challenges and considerations that need to be taken into...
[hr]The design and signage of Australian public roads is highly regulated, but who’s regulating haul roads on a mine site, asks Richard Jois.[hr] Most incidents occur on mine sites at locations where...
The Queensland Resources Council (QRC) has expressed concern that the State Government’s Strong Choices campaign could lead to a dramatic hike in mining company tax, with survey participates...
The development of a Northern Australia economic policy will soon come to fruition with the Premiers of Queensland and Western Australia and the Chief Minister of the Northern Territory agreeing to...
Don Stiller has negotiated Conduct and Compensation Agreements (CCAs) with more than 10 resource companies to date, all with tenements over his properties in the Wandoan and Guluguba areas in south...