QMEB » boom

Tag - boom

Mining industry to lose 50,000 more jobs

The mining downturn is not over yet, with the National Australia Bank predicting 50,000 more jobs are likely to be shed. The NAB Group Economics report, The Mining ‘Cliff’ – How far have we...

WIN 1 of 5 Orange Town: FIFO 3-2-1 signed books

Brent Williams started out life working on a vast cattle property in Australia for his father. Since then he has tried to put a life of bare knuckle fighting behind him. Earning respect from the...

Queensland coal industry to boom with Indian demand

India will soon become the number one importer of coal, which will set Queensland up as a premium supplier of its lower emission coal, according to a report released by the International Energy...


How to prepare for the next gas boom

Despite the recent drop in commodity prices, there is plenty of opportunity looming for the gas sector. Richard Szabo spoke with experts about what opportunities are available are what companies can...

Cooper Basin Could be Next Resources Boom Region

The far south west corner of the state could soon be the next boom region for Queensland’s resources sector with the government announcing a new plan to open up the gas and oil rich Cooper...

Gas export boom delivers pain and gain for Australians

Both the government and the gas industry have been slow to act to help consumers with the gas market transition, writes David Blowers from the Grattan Institute. Queensland’s liquid natural gas boom...