Tag - CSG

Arrow Energy

Fracking has no major impact on environment says study

A well stimulation technique has a negligible effect on Queensland’s natural environment, the national science agency has found. The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation...

Better mine rehabilitation for Queensland

 Palaszczuk Government implements next generation laws to ensure large mines across the state are properly rehabilitated #miningnews #qmeb #aprs #QueenslandMining

UQ bentonite plug

Cheaper and safer way to plug wells revealed

Plugging decommissioned oil and gas wells may become safer and more economical with a solution championed by leading researchers. A team from the University of Queensland (UQ) Centre for Coal Seam...

Anthony Lynham gas fuel

Tenders called for CSG Pilot Project in the Surat Basin

Energy producers will soon express interest in mining coal-seam gas (CSG) in Queensland’s Surat Basin, potentially creating hundreds of new jobs. The Queensland Department of Natural Resources and...

Coal Seam Gas

$80m gas pipeline project to create 170 jobs

A new $80 million gas pipeline project in southern Queensland would create 170 jobs. State Development Minister Anthony Lynham welcomed the announcement by APA, Australia’s largest natural gas...

Victoria bans unconventional gas exploration

In a national first, the Victorian Government today announced a permanent ban on the exploration and development of all onshore unconventional gas, including fracking and coal seam gas. The permanent...

Contamination concerns after CSG wells flood

Two tanks containing CSG waste water have been tipped over in flooding waters, raising concerns about possible contamination of the Nepean River southwest of Sydney. A number of AGL’s coal seam...

Queensland Resources Council Urges Government To Reject Greens Party Policy

Gas-powered haul trucks on the cards: McKinsey report

The country’s rich gas industry is expected to play a significant role in Australia’s energy future, according to a new report by McKinsey Australia. Christiaan Heyning, who co-authored The role of...