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Better mine rehabilitation for Queensland

 Palaszczuk Government implements next generation laws to ensure large mines across the state are properly rehabilitated #miningnews #qmeb #aprs #QueenslandMining


Game Of Drones

Drone and unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) usage in the mining and resources industry is really taking off. Australian Certified UAV Operators secretary Brad Mason shares everything you need to know to...


Breathe Easy

The following is an extract from D J Brake’s report, Quality Assurance Standards for Mine Ventilation Models and Ventilation Planning, which discusses the application of quality assurance in...


Dirty Talk

With our vast geographical size, diverse and remote mine sites and notoriously rugged environment, mining in Australia is hard work, particularly when there is a lack of communication options, writes...


20 Shades of Brown Coal

Minerals expert Dmitry Przhedetsky says lignite processing is a “miracle waiting to happen” and has shared 20 processing options to be considered.  Several times I have been asked by people outside...


Driving Technology

Driving is one of the most dangerous things we all do on a regular basis and it has been identified by mining companies as a considerable risk – with many companies indicating it is the number one...


Will FIFO over-regulation drive down growth

Fly-in, fly-out (FIFO) has long been referred to as the ‘backbone’ of Australia’s resource industry,vital to facilitating  the movement of workers to regional and  emote mining, oil and gas projects...


FIFO kids are happy kids

Life can be tough for kids with a FIFO parent. Time together always seems to speed by as fast as the plane that takes their Daddy or Mummy away, and as their tiny hands press up against the windows...