QMEB » Indonesia

Tag - Indonesia

Avebury mine

Mine collapses after failing to find new owner

Dwindling commodity prices forced a struggling resources operation into receivership. A near 42 per cent drop in nickel spot prices prompted Mallee Resources to transition its Avebury mine into care...

Glencore coal

Coal demand soars despite challenges says report

Fossil fuel orders continue to jump in the face of growing volatility, new research found. Coal consumption recently hit a record high, rising 3.3 per cent to 8.3 billion tonnes during 2022. The...

Cokal barge

Coal producer acquires barge fleet

A coking coal company purchased a fleet of barges to guarantee transport capacity. Cokal recently acquired a fleet of conventional shallow draft barges and tug boats to move coal from the Bumi Barito...

Coal mining QRC

China predicted to lock out Aussie coal for years

An Asian superpower is not expected to ease import restrictions on Australian coal anytime in the next 24 months. Global investment bank Goldman Sachs believes the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) will...

Queenslanders Kicking Goals Overseas

[hr]The rest of the country might have ‘tall poppy syndrome’ but here in Queensland, we like nothing better than to hear about our fellow Queenslanders kicking goals – on or off the footy field...