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Laws of the land

Mine site environmental specialist Phil Abernethy takes a look at international and Commonwealth laws that can impact on mining activities. ENVIRONMENTAL LEGISLATION BACKGROUND Historically...


Safety Differently

Professor, author and pilot Sidney Dekker talks safety from 30,000ft, “overparenting” in the mining industry, and how one Australian mine has scrapped all safety procedures in a brave experiment...


Dirty Talk

With our vast geographical size, diverse and remote mine sites and notoriously rugged environment, mining in Australia is hard work, particularly when there is a lack of communication options, writes...

Coexistence a talking point at gas conference

An advertisement in a statewide rural publication represents “tangible evidence of successful coexistence” between the gas industry and landholders, according to Mines Minister Dr Anthony Lynham. The...

WA FIFO inquiry recommends code of practice

A Code of Practice has been recommended to address issues surrounding mental health and FIFO work arrangements The Education and Health Standing Committee handed down its report – The impact of...