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The language of safety

BUT I DIDN’T MEAN IT THAT WAY In safety, as in other elements of a business, language is vitally important. By way of example, I’m interested in what impact you think they would have on you. Would...

Blackwater community rally against BHP cuts

CLOSE to 1000 Blackwater residents gathered in full force last night to discuss BHP’s intention to contract out 300 permanent jobs at the Blackwater coal mine. The small, tight-knit community...

01-Positive Energy

Renewables in mining – Futuristic or realistic

[hr]Mining is an energy-intensive industry and energy is an essential operational consideration. Energy access is becoming increasingly difficult and expensive in many regions of the world, with...

Moranbah Miner Gives BHP a Drubbing

A miner from Moranbah gave senior management at BHP a drubbing yesterday when he spoke at the company’s annual general meeting in Adelaide. Kev Adams told shareholders and staff at the meeting...