QMEB » nsw mine safety

Tag - nsw mine safety

Falling rock smashes through loader windscreen

A worker was injured at a New South Wales quarry after a large rock smashed through the front end loader he was operating and struck him. The large rock, weighing about 23 kilograms, fell about 17m...

Opal miner injured by falling material

An opal miner has suffered a spinal injury after being struck by falling mullock when attempting to close a hopper door with a star picket. A safety alert released by NSW Mine Safety this week said...

Worker seriously injured after fall from truck

A worker was seriously injured after falling from an articulated dump truck at a New South Wales mine. The plant operator suffered a skull fracture after the February incident, according to a New...

RECALL: Defects discovered in self-rescuers

A batch of self-rescuers have been recommended to be returned for assessment due to a defect has been revealed by a NSW Mine Safety Alert. The SR50 and SR100A self rescuers have been recommended by...

Front-end loader and light vehicle collide at NSW mine

A front-end loader and light vehicle collided on a New South Wales mine site last month. The incident, which occurred on March 12, saw a Caterpillar 992 front-end loader reverse into a light vehicle...

Serious head laceration leads to investigation

A mine operator received a serious head injury from a damaged roof support strap, prompting an investigation by the NSW Mine Safety Investigation Unit. The incident occurred on January 22 at the...

Driver crashes into underground mine wall

The driver of a personnel transport and service light vehicle crashed into a wall underground, prompting a NSW Mine Safety alert. The vehicle, which contained the driver and two passengers, lost...