Tag - NSW

State Emergency Service

National emergency declared for Queensland, NSW

Parts of the East Coast are officially in danger and require immediate action. The Federal Government will declare a national emergency for flood-affected parts of Queensland and New South Wales...

Strike wins more job security for mine workers

Coal mine workers on New South Wales’ South Coast will enjoy more job security after week-long industrial action. The Construction, Forestry, Maritime, Mining and Energy Union’s...

BHP Mount Arthur Coal Mine crash

Storm blamed for car crash leaving one injured

A State Government-funded agency has taken a page from 1980s pop music band Milli Vanilli, blaming the rain for causing a serious car crash. A worker recently suffered serious injuries after crashing...

Front-end loader and light vehicle collide at NSW mine

A front-end loader and light vehicle collided on a New South Wales mine site last month. The incident, which occurred on March 12, saw a Caterpillar 992 front-end loader reverse into a light vehicle...

Changes to NSW mine safety legislation commence

Changes to NSW mine safety legislation have commenced this month. The February 1 legislative changes relate to the DRE’s compliance and enforcement role in petroleum work health and safety (to...


Australia’s two largest solar plants go online in NSW

NSW Minister for Industry, Resources and Energy, Anthony Roberts, traveled to Nyngan in regional NSW in late January to mark the official completion of Australia’s two largest solar plants at...

One dead after NSW coal truck collision

A man was killed after a fatal accident near Appin Colliery on Wednesday morning. A coal truck and car collided just before 4.30am on Appin Road, according to police. Emergency services attended the...

Air quality at Cannon Hill in Brisbane will be monitored

Trains resume operations after NSW flooding

After wild weather caused severe flooding in the Hunter Valley, coal, freight and passenger trains had to halt operations. A statement on Wednesday from the Australian Rail Track Corporation...

Newcastle Knights and NSW Mining extend partnership

The Newcastle Knights and NSW Mining have agreed to extend their partnership, signing a three-year extension. The flagship of the agreement, the Voice for Mining Family Day, will again be a highlight...