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Tag - organisations


The language of safety

BUT I DIDN’T MEAN IT THAT WAY In safety, as in other elements of a business, language is vitally important. By way of example, I’m interested in what impact you think they would have on you. Would...


Safety Differently

Professor, author and pilot Sidney Dekker talks safety from 30,000ft, “overparenting” in the mining industry, and how one Australian mine has scrapped all safety procedures in a brave experiment...


It’s High Time We Stamp Out Synthetic Drugs

The issue of synthetic drugs in the community is having a trickle-on effect into Queensland’s mining and resources workforces. The National Cannabis Prevention and Information Centre clears the haze...

Innovation – The Salvation of the Mining Sector

With the worldwide minerals market in the doldrums, Queensland’s resources sector needs to smarten up. It’s not just about digging bigger holes, but digging bigger holes in better places; extracting...


Real risk of cyber hacking

[hr]Cyber hacking and the breach of information systems security is emerging as one of the top risks to the mining and metals sector. The threats are real and on the rise according to Ernst &...