QMEB ยป redundancies

Tag - redundancies

Ravensthorpe mine workers

Employer shuts down after ‘significant’ losses

A foreign-owned mining company will completely stop production because it is losing too much money. First Quantum Minerals recently confirmed it would shut down its struggling Ravensthorpe nickel...

Metropolitan Coal Mine

Coal employees win unfair dismissal case

A mineral producer unreasonably terminated work agreements and outsourced roles, a court found. A Federal Court judge recently ruled that Peabody Energy crew members unjustly lost their jobs before...

Ablemarle mine

Mining giant axes almost 300 workers to save $75M

A resources multinational will retrench hundreds of employees in a major cost-cutting push. About 294 workers are widely expected to be made redundant across most of Albemarle’s operations. A...

Savannah mine

Multiple mines suspended due to commodity downturn

Falling resources prices prompted employers to pause production at multiple locations. Voluntary administrators indefinitely suspended operations at Panoramic Resources’ Savannah Nickel Project...

Rasp mine

Mineral producer shuts down, sells mine

An equal opportunity employer will close one operation while searching for new owners. CBH Resources recently confirmed it would sell its Rasp mine. Japan-headquartered parent company Toho Zinc...