As productivity and returns on investment declines in the Australian mining industry, mining operations are turning to Industrial IoT to improve returns, streamline processes and use big data...
Tag - skills
Hiring mature-aged workers over their younger competitors means a significantly higher pay package, but Energy Skills Queensland says adult apprentices are worth the cost. The value of completing an...
Allowing injured workers to remain at work to recover can help protect industry skills, according to WorkCover Queensland. The mining industry leads the way in keeping injured workers at work while...
Some fundamental strategies for getting where you want to be in the Queensland gas industry, by Angela Bradby of Link Resources. While it has been a year of turbulence for the resources sector there...
The Australia-China Free Trade Agreement may be making headlines for the political debate around foreign labour, but that’s not stopping the two nations from preparing for a more united future...
The only training and skills event dedicated specifically to Queensland’s energy, resources and telecommunications industry. The Energy Skills Queensland’s Annual Conference is a prime opportunity to...
How important is mentoring the mentor upon return to work? Work Cover Queensland highlights the importance of communication between employers and employees, especially when it comes to workplace...
What’s mental health got to do with workplaces? Put simply, lots! Like physical health, mental health is central to how we function and how productive we are at work. It’s also good business. The...
[hr]New skills challenges are emerging across the resource industry as new mega projects make the transition from construction to production in increasing numbers. Janine Temple from national...
The trades training community is up in arms over the government’s decision to abolish long-established Industry Skills Council and replace them with the highest bidder. The Electrical Trades...