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The Downturn – Sink or swim

Bowen Basin Mining Club director Jodie Currie highlights the importance of mining industry businesses staying afloat during the mining slump. While I’m hesitant to use the word ‘downturn’, the mining...


Lean & Green

Mine site environmental specialist, Phil Abernethy, explains why environmentally responsible mines can cost less to operate. Mines with good environmental performance really do have lower operating...

01-Positive Energy

Renewables in mining – Futuristic or realistic

[hr]Mining is an energy-intensive industry and energy is an essential operational consideration. Energy access is becoming increasingly difficult and expensive in many regions of the world, with...

Cooper Basin Could be Next Resources Boom Region

The far south west corner of the state could soon be the next boom region for Queensland’s resources sector with the government announcing a new plan to open up the gas and oil rich Cooper...

Coal Sea Of Galilee

With a raft of projects currently on the drawing board for the Galilee Basin, is Queensland’s coal sector on the verge of making a comeback? asks T.R. Mackay. In November of 2013, Deputy Premier Jeff...