Tag - US


The return of Black Lung

The deadly disease thought to have been eradicated thirty years ago has made a nasty return, sending shockwaves through the Queensland mining industry. But did it ever disappear, or did the industry...


Safety Differently

Professor, author and pilot Sidney Dekker talks safety from 30,000ft, “overparenting” in the mining industry, and how one Australian mine has scrapped all safety procedures in a brave experiment...


Breathe Easy

The following is an extract from D J Brake’s report, Quality Assurance Standards for Mine Ventilation Models and Ventilation Planning, which discusses the application of quality assurance in...


20 Shades of Brown Coal

Minerals expert Dmitry Przhedetsky says lignite processing is a “miracle waiting to happen” and has shared 20 processing options to be considered.  Several times I have been asked by people outside...

Australian mining industry set to bounce back

Australia’s mining downturn is set to drag itself out of the slump and rise once again, according to a report by IBISWorld. Plummeting commodity prices in some of Australia’s largest mining...

Richland Resources to begin sapphire production

Commercial production of sapphires has begun at a central Queensland mine. Richland Resources has kicked off extraction of the precious gem at its Capricorn mine, with material going through an...

Queenslanders Kicking Goals Overseas

[hr]The rest of the country might have ‘tall poppy syndrome’ but here in Queensland, we like nothing better than to hear about our fellow Queenslanders kicking goals – on or off the footy field...