QMEB » An Overview of Key Resource Areas in Queensland

An Overview of Key Resource Areas in Queensland

The Queensland government has made a list of areas that contain extractive materials called Key Resource Areas. The Eligibility Requirements for a Key Resource Area Demarcation.

To be a part of the list, the region must fulfil either one or more requirements mentioned below:

1. Size

Whichever metal is obtained from the area should be enough to meet the regional or sub-regional demands and requirements.

2. Market

The resource has to be able to supply a minimum of one significant part of the region.

3. Production

The area must produce at least five per cent of regional or sub-regional requirement of one material.

4. Specialized

The area must develop a strategic infrastructure to manage extraction and transport the materials mined in the area.

5. Scarcity

The material should have physical properties that are rare in the region or sub-region.

How are KRAs assessed?

Geological Survey of Queensland, which comes under the Department of Natural Resources, Mines, and Energy, carries the KRA assessment. Either the organization initiates the assessment or when extractive industry operators or local government submits an application and the documents required to begin the assessment process.

The process begins with a technical review of the area. It is compared with the list of requirements that we mentioned above. If the requirements are met, GSQ will discuss the potential KRA with the regional government, landowners, and industry proponents to get more knowledge about the potential impacts of the area. When all parties are okay to go ahead, the GSQ will ask the potential KRA to register with State Planning Policy.

It still doesn’t finalize the area as KRA because the Minister for State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning make the final decision. The ministry is currently handled by Cameron Robert Dick with Julieanne Gilbert as the assistant minister. One of its primary goals includes creating jobs in a strong economy, which it fulfils by taking care of the KRAs.

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