QMEB » Aviation (FIFO) » Page 8

Category - Aviation (FIFO)

Star Aviation plane

FIFO charter plane makes ‘scary’ emergency landing

A company flight was forced to make an emergency landing after an equipment malfunction. The Star Aviation, twin-turbo propeller aircraft recently experienced a landing indicator problem while...

FIFO charter plane

100 per cent FIFO worker ban stays in force

Legislation banning 100 per cent fly-in fly-out (FIFO) workforces at major mining projects will remain in effect across Queensland. State Deputy Premier Steven Miles confirmed a recent review...

BHP trainees

Employers introduce COVID vaccine mandates

A mining services company and multinational resources giant will force workers to be immunised against coronavirus. Mineral Resources (MinRes) and BHP have confirmed every fly-in fly-out (FIFO) and...

BHP FIFO workers

FIFO workers wanted for vaccine drive

Queensland’s fly-in fly-out (FIFO) workforce have been prioritised for COVID-19 vaccination. FIFO employees have been added to the Sunshine State’s 1B priority list, following the recent...

Pembroke Resources

Funding secured for $1B Central Qld coal project

A coal producer is one step closer to hiring workers for its $1 billion development in Central Queensland’s Bowen Basin. Pembroke Resources recently secured up to $175 million in funding for...

BHP workers

Stranded FIFO workers report working extended rosters

Remote mine personnel have complained about employers increasing the number of days they are scheduled to work due to state border restrictions. Thousands of fly-in fly-out (FIFO) workers are unable...

Granites Gold Mine

FIFO worker passes COVID to family members

A remote mine employee transmitted the highly infectious Delta strain to his immediate family members. The wife and daughter of a fly-in fly-out (FIFO) worker, who contracted coronavirus (COVID-19)...

Gold/Silver Index