QMEB ยป Oversize Vehicles

Category - Oversize Vehicles

MinRes driverless truck

Proponent starts delivering 150 driverless trucks

A diversified resources producer has received its first round of what it claims to be the some of world’s largest autonomous heavy vehicles. Mineral Resources (MinRes) confirmed the first...

Whitehaven Coal workers

Employer cancels driverless truck plan at coal mine

A major mining company will not automate heavy vehicles at one of its operations. Whitehaven Coal recently stopped trialling its autonomous haulage systems (AHS) at the Maules Creek mine. Management...

Komatsu driverless trucks

Mining giant accelerates ‘safe’ automation

A resources multinational will work with new partners to fast-track autonomous mineral production. Rio Tinto recently approved an initial $14.4 million in funding to make global operations safer and...

Overturned coal truck

Heavy vehicle operator dies from horrific crash

A truck driver tragically passed away during a severe accident. Authorities recently examined what circumstances led to a heavy vehicle flipping over and killing the operator at an undisclosed coal...

Bluvein truck

Employers fast track electric heavy vehicles

Two multinational companies agreed to quickly roll out eco friendlier trucks across multiple mine sites. Hitachi Energy and BluVein recently approved a new memorandum of understanding (MoU) to...

Mineral Resources worker

Employer hires, trains inexperienced FIFO workers

A major resources company will not discriminate against remote jobseekers without industry experience. Mineral Resources (MinRes) recently launched a recruitment drive for its multi combination (MC)...

Haul truck collision

Horrific truck accident inspires new training material

Two heavy vehicles became involved in a major collision, causing severe damage. Authorities recently examined why one truck suffered a head-on accident while the other experienced a side hit at an...