QMEB » Coast Seam Gas Directory Launched by University
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Coast Seam Gas Directory Launched by University

Coast Seam Gas Directory Launched by University

Tracking activity in the coal seam gas sector in Queensland is now a whole lot easier with the launch of a new online directory managed by the University of Queensland (UQ).

Developed by UQ’s Centre for Coal Seam Gas, the directory lists current and pending coal seam gas projects,  geological research, information on water impacts, coexistence and social and environmental issues.

Director of the Centre, Professor Andrew Garnett, said he hoped the new directory would help make finding reliable information for researchers much easier.

“The directory makes it much easier for researchers to coordinate their efforts and maximise the value of their research, and until now it has been hard to determine how much research is being done on any particular topic, location or resource,” Professor Garnett said.

“This will also provide community members with a single source to find up-to-date information on projects in their area.”

“The pace of development means that keeping track of research has been a challenge,” he said.

“Research has been conducted by a range of organisations including universities, government agencies, resource companies and non-profit organisations.”

More information on the research director can be found at www.research.ccsg.uq.edu.au.

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