Stepping out of the meeting with the State Development and Natural Resources and Mines Minister Dr Anthony Lynham and the Coordinator General this week, Mayor Anne Baker is optimistic the State Government is listening to the concerns of regional Queenslanders and the negative impacts of 100 per cent forced FIFO.
“At this point we are encouraged the Coordinator General’s new workforce requirements will deliver meaningful change to our region and provide employment opportunities both locally and regionally,” Cr Baker said.
After seeking clarification on the proposed 3000-bed camp as part of the Red Hill Mine approval, Cr Baker said, “While this was originally proposed by the proponent, I can confirm that this has not been assessed or approved and that’s a win for the region”.
“The commitment we received today from the Coordinator General and Minister is that Council will have the opportunity to have input into any future assessments of any Red Hill Mine Project proposed camp, understanding all approvals will be dependent on demonstrated need.
“I am very encouraged by discussions regarding the new framework and conditioning around workforce planning and accommodation capacity, and the reporting and monitoring regime.”
Cr Baker said she is positive the Minister and Coordinator General understand our concerns and the social and economic challenges an oversupply of camp accommodation will have on the region.
“This was further supported by reassurances that the assessment process will take into account the existing accommodation capacity, before any unnecessary camps are built near established resource communities,” she said.
“We were given a level of confidence that the Coordinator General will review the conditions and assessment of the Red Hill Mine Project taking into the account the findings of both the FIFO Panel Review and the parliamentary inquiry.
“Isaac Regional Council will continue to advocate and engage with the State Government on behalf of Isaac communities to drive positive change.”
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