QMEB » Mine worker dies from serious health condition
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Mine worker dies from serious health condition

Wayne Ugle
Wayne Ugle (supplied by family)

A resources employee passed away from a severe medical episode.

Colleagues, friends and loved ones are mourning the sudden loss of Wayne Ugle. The 41-year-old former BHP labour hire worker died from a serious heart condition on 6 November 2023.

Wife Natasha described Ugle as a “very sick” man who hyperventilated and sweated when asking for medication. However, his request allegedly fell on deaf ears while in remand for minor charges and waiting to appear in court.

“He kept begging for his medication … and other people in the cell with him were telling the guards [at Hakea Prison] that he needed to see a doctor or go to a hospital,” the grieving widow said according to the Australian Associated Press.

“He should have been put in an ambulance immediately and sent to a hospital … [and] they all failed Wayne, and now we have another grieving Noongar family. When will this end?”

Natasha has asked WorkSafe and the coroner to examine the incident because her husband’s treatment was “disrespectful and harmful”. She was also unhappy about authorities taking 10 hours to inform her of Ugle’s passing.

Tributes are already flowing for the late Programmed Skilled Workforce employee.

“Rest in peace my big nephew Wayne Ugle, love aunty,” Maureen Blankkett said on Facebook.

“Still cannot believe it uncle, we had some good times working together them memories will always be in my heart, love always,” Steven Jacobs added.

A candlelight vigil will be held at Forrest Chase shopping centre from 7pm to 9pm on November 16.

Click here to read the full event details.

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