QMEB » New Enterprise Agreement Approved For Thiess Burton Coal Mine
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New Enterprise Agreement Approved For Thiess Burton Coal Mine

Thiess Burton Coal mineThe Fair Work Commission (FWC) has approved a new enterprise agreement for Thiess workers at the Burton coal mine in Central Queensland, despite noting that, “the new agreement variation reduces the terms and conditions of employees.”

However the FWC finding also suggests that despite the reduction, “…employees covered by the Agreement (will) be better off overall than if the Black Coal Mining Industry Award 2010 applied to the relevant employees.”

The Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union (CFMEU)  have filed a Form 23B- Statutory declaration of employee organisation in relation to variation of an enterprise agreement, stating that they have not read the employer’s statutory declaration in support of its application.

In making the Decision, the Deputy President of the FWC said, “I am also satisfied that a majority of employees who cast a valid vote have agreed to the variations. Further, I am satisfied that each of the requirements of ss.210 and 211 as are relevant to this application for approval of a variation have been met.”

The new Thiess Burton Coal Mine Agreement 2012 took affect on 7 January.



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