A program to monitor and improve the health of North Queensland waterways from rivers to reef was launched in Mackay today, attended by the head of the Queensland Resources Council (QRC).
QRC Chief Executive Michael Roche said that the QRC was proud to be a financial partner in the Mackay-Whitsunday Healthy Rivers to Reef partnership, which will assess waterway health from Abbot Point to south of Mackay.
“The health of the Great Barrier Reef and our waterways is of vital importance to our communities, our governments and all the industries that operate alongside, or within the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park,” Mr Roche said.
“Funding has come from a variety of sectors, including from the QRC, to ensure that we have a fact-based and scientific approach to target the biggest threats to the health of North Queensland waterways.”
“An annual report card will be produced and cover catchments of the Don, O’Connell, Proserpine, Pioneer and Plane basins, the urban area of Mackay, the ports of Abbot Point, Mackay and Hay Point, marinas and the coastal marine area”, Mr Roche said.
The report card will specifically report on the health of freshwater rivers, wetlands, estuaries, near shore coastal and marine environments.
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