We’ve had a whip around the State to provide you with a small sample of proposed mining and energy projects to keep your eye on.
Who: New Hope Group
What: An open cut and underground coal resource – an expansion of the existing Lenton Mine
Where: 20 kilometres south of Glenden, 120 kilometres south-west of Mackay.
Why: The project will provide New Hope with access to the coking coal market.
You don’t say: On receiving government approval, construction is expected to take between 12 and 24 months and is scheduled to start in 2016. At full production the mine is expected to employ around 300 people.
Status: New Hope Coal have submitted an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Terms of Reference with the Queensland Department of Environment and Heritage. Public Comment closed on 14 March this year. The Department is now assessing the EIS.
Source: www.newhopegroup.com.au/content/projects/development/lenton - EAGLE DOWNS COAL MINE
Who: Eagle Downs Coal Management Pty Ltd. on behalf of Bowen Central Coal Pty Ltd (a subsidiary of Vale Australia Holdings Pty Ltd) and Aquila Coal Pty Ltd.
What: An underground longwall mine
Where: 20 kilometres south-east of Moranbah
Why: Eagle Downs Coal says the mine has the potential to produce up to eight million tonnes of coking coal annually.
You don’t say: The life of the mine is estimated at 47 years with longwall top coal caving to be utilised in the later years.
Status: The mine is currently under construction and is expected to produce first development coal in 2015. In mid-December 2013, the contract for drift construction was awarded to WDS involving driving two drifts, approximately 2km long, from the surface of the Harrow Creek Upper coal seam.
Source: www.eagledowns.com.au/content/projects - STYX COAL PROJECT
Who: CMR Coal
What: 79 coal exploration boreholes in the Styx Basin
Where: Approximately half way between Rockhampton and Sarina
Why: Coal quality from neighboring MDL468 (Waratah Styx Coal Project) has identified 11 principle seams confirming the presence of high-volatile bituminous coal with low ash, low sulfur and a high calorific value.
You don’t say: The Styx Coal Project is approximately 210km south of the existing coal terminals at Hay Point and Dalrymple Bay. The Project is also approximately 210km north of the existing coal terminals of RG Tanna and Barney Point and the coal terminal at Wiggins Island (WICET).
Status: An initial scout drilling program of five exploration boreholes has been devised to test the extent of coal seams in the coal-bearing formations identified in an Independent Geological Report. Favourable results from the exploration boreholes will lead to follow up drilling and seismic surveys to assess the continuity of the coal seams.
Source: www.cmrcoal.com.au/English/projects.php - METEOR DOWNS SOUTH
Who: U&D Coal Limited
What: Potential thermal coal project
Where: 45 kilometres south-east of Springsure in the Bowen Basin
Why: Located in the prospective Orion Downs tenement (EPC 1517), the MDS project is projected to produce 1.5 million tonnes per annum of a direct shipment thermal coal product.
You don’t say: Exploration drilling indicates that the coal has a low ash and sulphur content, and so does not require washing before despatch to market.
Status: An EMP has been approved by the Queensland Government and its hoped that a mining lease will be granted some time this year.
Source: www.udmining.com.au/default.asp?section_id=34 - THE CLIFFORD TENEMENTS
Who: Stanmore Coal
What: Open cut thermal coal mine
Where: Approximately 35 kilometres north-west of Wandoan in the Surat Basin.
Why: Stanmore Coal believes these tenements to be highly prospective with over 5,600Mt of JORC resources defined by others in adjacent areas. A total of 1,242 boreholes have been drilled within a 10km radius of the tenements which has allowed the identification of a number of priority target areas within the tenements.
You don’t say: The tenements cover a combined area of 1,371km2, and are located adjacent to Xstrata’s 4.5 billion tonne Wandoan coal project just 15 kilometres from the proposed Surat Rail (SBR) line.
Status: Under the terms of a Joint Exploration Agreement announced in December 2013 between Stanmore Coal Limited and the Japan Oil Gas and Metals National Corporation (JOGMEC), a Japanese Government owned corporation, JOGMEC will earn up to a 40 per cent economic interest in the Clifford Project and has the right to assign that interest to a Japanese nominee company in the future, in order to progress the project to development. Stanmore Coal is the first Queensland based company to benefit from the recent Japanese national interest in Queensland resources since JOGMEC and the Queensland State Government signed a comprehensive Memorandum of Understanding on 30 September 2013.
Source: www.stanmorecoal.com.au/project/clifford/
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