[hr]We’ve had a whip around the State to provide you with a small sample of proposed mining and energy projects to keep your eye on.[hr]
Who: QCoal and Japanese company JFE Steel
What: An open cut coal mine
Where: About 20km west of Glenden in the Bowen Basin
Why: The mine is expected to produce about 10 million tonnes of hard coking coal per year and generate over 350 jobs for locals.
You don’t say: The mine is expected to create about 350 jobs during construction and employ more than 500 people once fully operational. QCoal says it is, “…committed to maximising local industry participation and we will give preference to suppliers of Australian-manufactured equipment that complies with the relevant standards and specifications.”
Status: The federal government granted approval for the project in October 2014, subject to 22 environmental conditions. The mine must now be granted a State Government mining lease before construction can begin.
Source: http://www.qcoal.com.au/page/byerwen_coal_project.html
Who: Cockatoo Coal and Japan Oil Gas and Metals National Corporation (JOGMEC)
What: An exploration tenement with the potential to become a coal project in the future.
Where: In the south-eastern corner of the Bowen Basin, 53km north of Baralaba.
Why: Preliminary scout drilling completed in 2013 by Blackwood Corporation intercepted coal seams of PCI quality within the tenure.
You don’t say: Under the terms of a joint exploration agreement, JOGMEC will provide up to $3.5 million to Cockatoo over a three year period to conduct exploration activities. JOGMEC will earn a 35% economic interest in the project.
Status: Exploration preparation activities have commenced and first drilling activities are expected to commence this quarter.
Who: GVK Hancock
What: An open cut coal mine with an initial export capacity of 30 millions tonnes per annum, supported by new rail and port infrastructure.
Where: The mine would be located 38 km north-west of Alpha in the Barcaldine Regional Council Area. The proposed rail corridor would run through the Isaac and Whitsunday Regional Council Areas to the Port of Abbot Point, approximately 25km north of Bowen.
Why: It’s anticipated the mine’s initial export capacity will be 30 million tonnes per annum (mtpa). Within the deposit there is also potential for liquefaction and gasification.
You don’t say: GVK Hancock says the Alpha Coal Project has the potential to become one of the biggest coal mines in the world.
Status: The federal government has approved the project subject to a number of environmental conditions and community consultation.
Source: http://gvkhancockcoal.com/our-assets/alpha
Who: Carbon Energy
What: An underground coal gasification (UCG) project
Where: About 45km west of Dalby in the Surat Basin at the Bloodwood Creek site.
Why: Carbon Energy claims the project will give Queensland industry a new source of price-competitive gas.
You don’t say: According to Carbon Energy’s website, the project would boost the State economy through generation of around $9.15m in state revenues annually and over 1,000 jobs will be generated during construction. About 150 new permanent jobs would be created for ongoing site operations.
Status: Progress is pending on approval by the State Government and funding it still being sought via discussions with potential foundation customers.
Source: http://www.carbonenergy.com.au/irm/content/blue-gum-gas-project.aspx?RID=344
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