QMEB » Proposed call in for Burdekin solar farm development
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Proposed call in for Burdekin solar farm development

The Queensland Government will consider a ministerial ‘call in’ of the proposed Clare Solar Farm development, south west of Ayr.

The development application for the large-scale solar farm covers up to 340 hectares of privately-held land.

Deputy Premier and Minister for Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning Jackie Trad said she was using her powers under the Sustainable Planning Act 2009 to issue a proposed ‘call in’ notice for the Clare Solar Farm development application.

“We made a commitment to listen to the community and this proposed ‘call in’ notice will provide an opportunity for all interested parties to have their say,” Ms Trad said.

“I am initiating this process after requests from the Burdekin Shire Council and the applicant for the proposed development to consider calling the development in.

“I have now notified all stakeholders, including the applicant, the Council and the submitters that I am considering a call in for this proposed development.”

Burdekin Shire Council issued a Development Permit on 18 May 2015, subject to relevant planning conditions.

“I will consider the development application in relation to the economic and environmental interests, and ongoing sustainable development of the state,” said Ms Trad.

“All relevant parties now have 20 business days to have their say on whether the development should be called in.”

At full development the proposal is expected to be around 130MW in size and will result in a direct investment of up to $400 million.

The closing date for submissions is 19 August 2015, with the Deputy Premier required to make a decision on or before 10 September 2015.

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