As part of changes to the Queensland Government ministry, Premier Campbell Newman has announced Seath Holswich as the new Assistant Minister for Natural Resources and Mines.
Mr Holswich is the current Member for Pine Rivers (think northern Brisbane suburbs), and will join Minister Andrew Cripps on the Natural Resources and Mines portfolio.
“Seath Holswich has been a tireless worker for the people of Pine Rivers. His drive and determination will be a welcome addition to our ministry as Assistant Minister for Natural Resources and Mines,” Premier Newman said at the announcement.
Before entering State Parliament in March 2012, Holswich was State Manager for a not-for-profit Indigenous Employment organisation requiring him to travel throughout Queensland, engaging with business leaders, community leaders, Indigenous communities, training and employment providers in an effort to secure sustainable employment opportunities for Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islanders.
Seath has worked previously within Pine Rivers and the wider Moreton Bay region in coordinating Work for the Dole projects and as an Employment Consultant for long term unemployed jobseekers.
Seath has also been an IT Project Manager responsible for the development, installation and maintenance of software applications for government and corporate clients throughout Australia and New Zealand.
He has a wide range of management experience in Employment Services, Community Services and Information Technology and has qualifications in Community Services, Business Management and Project Management.
He grew up in Nudgee and has lived in the outer north of the greater Brisbane area for most of his life.
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