QMEB ยป Resources company improves FIFO conditions
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Resources company improves FIFO conditions

MinRes FIFO workers
FIFO workers

A major mineral producer approved more a favourable employment environment for remote workers.

Fly-in fly-out (FIFO) employees will enjoy better conditions while travelling between multiple mine sites and their nearest airport.

Mineral Resources (MinRes) recently commissioned Skytraders to help launch weekly direct flights between Brisbane Airport’s AvCair terminal and both the Wodgina and Ken’s Bore mining operations.

The A319 aircraft’s seating capacity has also been reduced from 150 to 110. This is promised to give passengers more leg room to “travel in comfort”, and support safety, productivity and wellbeing.

The 3700km journey takes five hours and 45 minutes travelling west, and less than five hours on the return trip.

“Direct interstate flights make it faster, easier and cheaper for our people and contractors to travel to and from MinRes sites. For many of our workforce who live in Queensland or elsewhere on the East Coast, these services will reduce their travel time by one full day,” general manager people facilities Bethanie Ibrahim said in a public statement.

“These direct services will reduce fatigue and ensure our people have more time to spend at home with family and friends,” executive general manager people Andrea Chapman added.

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