QMEB » Australia

Tag - Australia

ADE Haul Road Friction Measurement

RoadSafety Training Services (RTS), in partnership with Australian Diversified Engineering (ADE), have pioneered an innovative and adaptable solution that aids in controlling haul road conditions to...

First Shipment from Amrun Mine, Qld

Rio Tinto is celebrating after making its first bauxite shipment from the Amrun Mine on Cape York, six weeks ahead of schedule. The shipment, which holds more than 80,000 tonne of bauxite, is being...

Adani to go ahead: will self fund Carmichael coal mine

Adani has announced it will go ahead with the Carmichael mine and rail project – and will 100% self-finance it. According to a report on the ABC, Adani has the money ready to go. The mine is located...