QMEB » Coal Project

Tag - Coal Project


Coal sea of Galilee

The opening up of the Galilee Basin is being touted as the saviour of Queensland’s coal industry. One man who knows more about the subject than most is the Managing Director of Waratah Coal, Nui...

Toowoomba A view to the future

[hr]There is an energy in Toowoomba like never before, writes Laura Hunt[hr] [insert_menu title=”Menu”] [link to=”Hub of the Darling Downs”]Hub of the Darling Downs[/link]...

Projecting Forward

[insert_menu title=”Menu”] [link to=”1″]1 Pentland Coal Project[/link] [link to=”2″]2 Drake Coal Project[/link] [link to=”3″]3 Byerwen Coal...