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Projecting Forward

[insert_menu title=”Menu”] [link to=”1″]1 Pentland Coal Project[/link] [link to=”2″]2 Drake Coal Project[/link] [link to=”3″]3 Byerwen Coal Project[/link] [link to=”4″]4 Mackenzie PCI Coal Project[/link] [/insert_menu]

We’ve had a whip around the State to provide you with a small sample of proposed mining projects to keep your eye on:



[hr] [title from=”1″]1 Pentland Coal Project[/title]

Who: New Emerald Coal (LINC Energy)

What: An advanced, multi-seam thermal coal project

Where: 7km west of Pentland and 220km west of Port of Townsville

Why: New Emerald Coal expects the project could produce ~3.0 to 4.0Mtpa of export-grade thermal coal when operational.

You don’t say: The tenement is located in close proximity to infrastructure, including the Townsville-Cloncurry rail line which intersects it.

Status: New Emerald Coal is continuing to assess the options, exploring a number of strong prospects for development or sale of the asset in the near to medium term.[top] [hr] [title from=”2″]2 Drake Coal Project[/title]

What: An open-cut coal mine

Where: 17 kilometres south of Collinsville

Why: The mine is expected to produce up to 6 million tonnes of coal per year over 30 years.

You don’t say: The project is expected to generate about 350 construction jobs and up to 480 operational jobs.

Status: The Queensland Department of Environment and Heritage Protection issued the final Environmental Authority for the project on 16 January 2014. QCoal must now acquire a mining licence before production works can begin. Its mining licence application is currently being considered by the Department of Natural Resources and Mines.[top] [hr] [title from=”3″]3 Byerwen Coal Projectt[/title]

Who: Byerwen Coal Pty Ltd (joint venture between QCoal Pty Ltd and JFE Steel)

What: $1.76 billion open-cut coal mine

Where: Northern Bowen Basin, 20 km west of Glenden and 140 km west of Mackay

Why: Byerwen Coal claims the mine is projected to yield up to 10 million tonnes of coal per annum.

You don’t say: The project is expected to create 350 jobs during construction and 545 jobs during operation.

Status: In September 2013 additional information to draft EIS was requested by the Queensland Coordinator-General. Additional information to the draft EIS and submissions are being assessed by state government agencies. [top] [hr] [title from=”4″]4 Mackenzie PCI Coal Project[/title]

Who: Cougar Energy Limited

What: Conceptual Mining Study

Where: 25 km north-east of Blackwater

Why: Initial coal quality assessment has confirmed the potential for a prime PCI product.

You don’t say: The project is situated between the open cut operating mines of Jellinbah and Yarrabee, both long-term producers of PCI grade export coal.

Status: Cougar energy is now assessing a number of options, including an underground operation, for development of the project and are encouraged by both the quality of the coal and the project cost perspectives.[top] [hr] [top]

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