South Burnett residents will get first pick at 250 trades jobs up for grabs at Tarong Power Station and Tarong North.
The positions have been created for a number of scheduled overhauls at the sites by UGL, and is expected to start from October and run for 18 months.
The company’s Tarong-based outage project manager Danny de Raadt told The South Burnett Times he would be on the lookout for a range of workers, including riggers, laggers, boilermakers, welders and electrical fitters, to fill the positions.
“UGL recently was awarded a four-year contract to do work at Stanwell Corporation’s coal, gas and hydro power stations across Queensland and much of this work will be at Tarong Power Station in the South Burnett,” Mr de Raadt said.
Tarong site manager Dennis Franklin said hiring local was a smart business move, and while the positions aren’t permanent, he hoped they would be able to keep people on for the length of the project.
Email applications to stanwell.recruitment@ugl
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