QMEB » Training Ombudsman to improve safety of Queenslanders
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Training Ombudsman to improve safety of Queenslanders

Attorney-General and Training and Skills Minister Yvette D’Ath said the government’s new Training Ombudsman is the only way to ensure Queensland has the best training in the country.

Ms D’Ath spoke at the Energy Skills Queensland 2020 Conference in Brisbane this morning where she said the right training is the difference between going home at night after work or not.

“It puts lives at risk when training is not delivered to that standard that it should be, and that is why we have committed to establishing a Training Ombudsman,” Ms D’Ath said.

“Many years ago, I was a member of the Training and Employment Recognition Council and all of that is gone now. We don’t have the oversight that I believe is needed to ensure that in this state, when you undertake a course, you can be confident that you are getting the training that you are entitled to.

“We can’t put people’s lives at risk. So we’ve already established an Interim Training Ombudsman and we have already started receiving some complaints, and I expect that to grow into the future.

“I’m not going to sit back and see an industry torn down and reputation of good training organisations damaged because of those out there who art not doing the right thing.”

Ms D’Ath said she hopes the Ombudsman will receive support from organisations and bussinesses.

“If you are aware of behaviour that you think is questionable – please report it to us, because that is the only way that we are going to ensure we have the best quality training in this state, one that we can be proud of and one we can promote, not just nationally but also internationally,” she said.

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