QMEB » Upstream PS Secures Additional Agreement on APLNG
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Upstream PS Secures Additional Agreement on APLNG

Upstream PS Secures Additional Agreement on APLNG

Upstream PS has secured an additional services agreement with Origin Energy on the Australia Pacific LNG Project (APLNG) in the Surat Basin of south west Queensland.

The $5 million Maintenance Service Agreement (MSA), announced by the company late last week, involves provision of plant maintenance and support of operations services.

Upstream PS will complete scheduled and unscheduled mechanical maintenance on gas compression and water processing equipment over a 12 month period.

Upstream PS’s Managing Director, Mr Joe Corvetti said he was delighted with the outcome.

“Upstream PS has a well established track record in the supply of operations and maintenance services in Australia. We are delighted with the award of the MSA, which is complementary to the work we are currently carrying out at Australia Pacific LNG well site,”Mr Corvetti said.

Upstream PS is a wholly owned subsidiary of GR Engineering Services

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