QMEB ยป Artificial intelligence, digital automation contract awarded for mine
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Artificial intelligence, digital automation contract awarded for mine

Dalgaranga mine workers
Dalgaranga mine workers

A military-grade equipment supplier won the latest tender for a mining operation.

MaxMine recently secured an automation contract for Gascoyne Resources’ Dalgaranga Mine at Daggar Hills, 357km northeast of Geraldton.

The successful bidder will install digital automation and advanced artificial-intelligence analytics technology. NRW Holdings’ mining division, which has the $300 million head contract, will supervise the work.

The effort is promised to “ramp up” production rates, increase payload by 11 per cent, halve tyre costs and reduce carbon emissions by up to 20 per cent. It will also help ease high staff turnover rates and an industry-wide skills shortage.

“A tight domestic labour market has increased operator turnover at all mine sites, and is an especially challenging issue for the mining contracting segment,” MaxMine said in a public statement.

“Improved operator engagement facilitates lower turnover and increases onboarding speed of new operators to site and thereby improving consistency in production rates.”

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