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Category - Water Management

Pembroke Resources

Central Qld coal mine invites suppliers

A resources producer is keen to hear from prospective tenderers in Queensland’s Isaac region. Pembroke Resources recently invited suppliers to its $1 billion Olive Downs Coking Coal Project...

New Hope Group

$896M coal mine reopening fast tracked

A coal revival will be accelerated in Queensland’s Darling Downs region. The State Department of Regional Development, Manufacturing and Water recently approved the $896 million New Acland Coal...


Claims against mining giant soar to $65B

Damages sought against a multinational resources company dramatically jumped. A compensation claim against BHP Group recently rose 620 per cent to 36 billion Pounds (A$65.3B) including interest...

Water bottle fire

Water bottles cause fire at mine

Liquid containers were responsible for creating a workplace hazard, authorities found. Investigators recently blamed a fire on improperly stored water at an undisclosed mining operation in South...

Goonyella Riverside Mine

Central Qld coal mine invites jobseekers

A Bowen Basin coal operation is hiring new recruits in Queensland’s Isaac region. Multiple full-time positions were recently advertised based at BHP Mitsubishi Alliance’s Goonyella...

Dump truck

New Central Qld coal project approved

A new mining development received regulatory approval in Queensland’s Central Highlands region. The State Department of Environment and Science will not require an environmental impact...

AWX Townsville

Mining giants urgently need Queensland jobseekers

Major resources companies want to quickly fill job vacancies at multiple coal operations in Queensland’s Bowen Basin and Central Highlands regions. Pembroke Resources, Anglo American, BHP...