CSIRO has released a new video that provides an overview of the coal seam gas extraction process, from drilling the well to what happens to the extracted gas and water.
Also explained are some potential impacts of coal seam gas development and the technique used to increase the rate of gas and water flow, known as hydraulic fracturing (fraccing).
GasFields Commissioner John Cotter said one of the roles of the Commission was to publish factual information and promote the science that has and continues to be undertaken in relation to the onshore gas industry in Queensland.
Equally, Mr Cotter said it was important that consumers and the wider community better understand how the energy that powers their homes and workplaces is produced, whether that is from a coal seam or other source.
For more information about coal seam or shale gas and CSIRO’s current research on the social and environmental impacts of Australia’s gas industry, visit the CSIRO and GISERA websites.
Watch the You Tube clip here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FUD_26XuOqw
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