Mining-related businesses of all sizes are being reminded that they only have until Wednesday April 30 to submit entries for the upcoming Queensland Mining Contractor Awards.
Suppliers and contractors serving Queensland’s mining industry are world class and should be recognised for it says Michael Wright, Executive General Manager of Thiess’ Australian mining business.
Mr Wright has joined other leading figures from the state’s resources sector to praise the inaugural Queensland Mining Contractor Awards and urge contractors and suppliers to get their entries in before the end of the month.
Thiess is a major sponsor of the awards which are the only ones in Australia dedicated to recognising the contribution made by contractors.
“Many small and large operators are at the cutting edge, driving innovation and setting new benchmarks in productivity,” he said.
“They are also the backbone of local community support through employment and investment,
and these unique awards are a great opportunity for the industry to acknowledge these achievements.”
He said many of the innovations contributing to Queensland mining’s continuing global success were driven by contractors striving to provide the best possible service and value.
“The challenges facing the industry make it vital for everyone involved to keep evolving and challenging our conventional mining practices and cost base,” Mr Wright said.
“All good contractors understand that the mining industry is competitive, no matter what the cycle. And we need to provide value to our clients, as the industry deals with the combination of low commodity prices, a high Australian dollar and the cost legacy of a mining boom.
“In these difficult times, it’s important to be clear and transparent about what it is you bring to your client, and how you can work together to strive for continued improvements and lower costs.
“Productivity and innovation are the key to ensuring that we deliver low-cost, sustainable mining solutions to the industry. While we still have some way to go, we have made significant inroads into our efficiencies and costs, driving the unit costs down for clients, and providing ever
increasing value”.
Margaret Davies, Anglo American Regional Head of Supply Chain, is one of the award judges and agrees the mining industry needs a vibrant contractor base with the flexibility to integrate quickly with clients and provide high levels of performance.
“Awards such as this provide the opportunity for us to recognise those contracting companies and key service providers who meet this criteria, while highlighting the positive impact and contribution they have made to the resources industry,” Ms Davies said.
And fellow judge Michael Gray, Managing Director of Bandanna Energy is equally enthusiastic about the efforts of contractors and suppliers, calling them a critical element in developing the Bowen Basin to be the world’s leading metallurgical coal region.
“Contractors have been instrumental in the development of the Queensland mining industry,” he said.
“It is important that the industry and wider community recognises the substantial achievements of contractors in delivering innovative, safe and productive operations which result in substantial benefits to regional communities and the overall economy.”
As a judge, he said he would be looking for entrants to highlight technical, operational and commercial approaches that have been used to achieve safe and mutually beneficial outcomes for the project owner, the contractor and all stakeholders.
All three are urging suppliers and contractors to submit entries and agree businesses can only benefit from the process and benchmarking their activities against the industry’s best.
To see eligibility criteria and how to enter, visit
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