QMEB ยป Lack of supervision caused ‘brain damage’ says judge
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Lack of supervision caused ‘brain damage’ says judge

Mount Isa Mines aerial
Mount Isa Mines aerial

Poor oversight caused a vital human organ injury.

Authorities recently found a toddler developed brain damage due to a lack of supervision.

The Brisbane Supreme Court discovered Bethany Sanders, now 17, suffered lead poisoning because her mother did not take enough steps to prevent her from regularly eating dirt.

Mother Sharnelle Seeto claimed the then toddler had 27.4 micrograms of lead per decilitre in her blood within the first year of living near Mount Isa Mines, 1km west of The Isa. This was 174 per cent above the 10 micrograms that can cause intellectual and behavioural difficulties in children less than 5 years-old. The daughter also had iron deficiency anaemia from eating non-food objects.

Seeto accused Glencore of neglecting its duty of care to inform residents about the dangers of lead poisoning from smelting and mining activities. She demanded $5 million of compensation.

However, Justice Frances Williams discovered wind currents blew most airborne lead emissions away from the city. Father Michael Sanders knew that lead exposure can harm children as lead-testing campaign advertising collateral was distributed in the area.

Williams rejected Seeto’s claim that Glencore was responsible for her daughter’s lead poisoning and iron deficiency anaemia, according to the Australian Associated Press.

All parties have been invited to make submissions on whether further findings are required before close of business on 8 September 2023. A final order is expected soon after.

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