QMEB » Miners Being Targeted by Mackay Police for Driving Under the Influence of Drugs
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Miners Being Targeted by Mackay Police for Driving Under the Influence of Drugs

drugs01Central Queensland miners are being targeted by Police in Mackay for driving under the influence of drugs.

Long distance truck drivers and young people round out the top three demographic groups that Mackay Police have freely admitted to actively targeting and testing for drug impairment while behind the wheel.

Speaking to The Daily Mercury, Mackay Road Policing Unit Sergeant, Shane Edwards, said Police were concerned by the number of drug drivers who continued to be caught travelling on the district’s roads, and that, “We specifically target those sorts of vehicles and we make no excuse for that.”

Speed and cannabis were the drugs most commonly detected by roadside drug tests according to Sgt Edwards.

“Your judgement is impaired, your ability to make decisions, to recognise dangers, you have a slower reaction time,” Sgt Edwards said.

“We’re out there to tell them it’s not ok.

“Over the years police officers tend to develop a bit of a sixth sense for when people have been using dangerous drugs and when they haven’t.”

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