QMEB » Mining giant plans to extend Qld coal operation until 2116
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Mining giant plans to extend Qld coal operation until 2116

Peak Downs mine
Coal mine

A multinational resources producer proposed continuing to mine fossil fuels well into the 22nd Century.

BHP Group recently sought federal approval to extend its Peak Downs Coal Mine, 210km southwest of Mackay.

Through its subsidiary BHP Mitsubishi Alliance, the group hopes to extend the operation’s lifespan until sometime in the year 2116.

“The Peak Downs Mine (PDM) Continuation Project involves the ongoing development of the existing PDM operation including the extraction of additional coal reserves within ML 70411, ML 1885 and part of ML 1775 – along with the development of supporting off-lease infrastructure east of and adjacent to ML 1775,” the proponent said in a referral summary on the Federal Department of Environment’s website.

“Development of the action would ensure the continuation of the existing PDM mine life for up to approximately 93 years.”

Coal production is promised to continue at “current” levels.

“The world will need reliable long-term supplies of higher quality metallurgical coal for steel-making, to support economic development and to make the infrastructure required for decarbonisation,” BHP said according to Bloomberg News.

However, the remarks drew sharp criticism from the Australasian Centre for Corporate Responsibility (ACCR) which questioned the mining giant’s earlier commitment to cutting greenhouse gas emissions to almost nil.

“BHP’s move to extend the Peak Downs coal mine for 93 years to 2116 is delusional. What part of net zero by 2050 does it not understand? The company has been speaking out both sides of its mouth on climate change for too long,” ACCR climate lead Harriet Kater said in a public statement.

“Whilst Fortescue recently turbocharged its pursuit of the post-fossil fuel era, BHP continues to plod along with business as usual commitments that are dressed up as leadership.”

Click here to read the full project summary.

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