QMEB » New jobs created at former Wilkie Creek coal mine
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New jobs created at former Wilkie Creek coal mine


WATCH THE VIDEO HERE – Rehabilitation aerials & intv w/ Peabody Australia President George Schuller, QRC Chief Executive Ian Macfarlane



QRC Chief Executive Ian Macfarlane said the resources sector adhered to world-class environmental standards with a strong focus on the rehabilitation of land post mining.

“This is a great example of a coal company employing a transitional team to ensure mined land is restored back to a standard which can be used for multiple land uses including grazing,” Mr Macfarlane said.

“I congratulate Peabody Australia for its commitment to deliver rehabilitated land through productive partnerships with other land users, local communities and employing locally.

“Queensland’s resources industry has a proven track record of attracting new investment and creating new jobs because of the clear and stable regulatory environment in which it operates. It is essential that we have stable and reliable regulation for our resources sector to continue to attract the investment that builds our State and delivers for every Queenslander.

“We look forward to further investment in the resources sector which benefits every Queenslander through the industry’s contribution to the budget bottom line.”

The Queensland resources sector now provides one in every six dollars in the Queensland economy, sustains one in eight Queensland jobs, and supports more than 16,400 businesses across the State all from 0.1 percent of Queensland’s land mass.

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