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New PM Malcolm Turnbull dumps industry minister

Minister for Industry and Science Ian McFarlane has been dumped, as new Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull announces a new Cabinet.

Speaking in front of the media, Mr Turnbull said he was announcing a “twenty-first century government” and a “ministry for the future”.

Joe Hockey, Eric Abetz, Ian Macfarlane and Kevin Andrews were all dumped from cabinet, with the PM stating it was critical to “restore traditional Cabinet Government”.

“The gold standard of good coalition Cabinet Government was during the Howard Government,” he said.

Assistant Treasurer Josh Frydenberg will be the new minister for resources, energy and northern Australia, with the former portfolio holder Ian Macfarlane dumped.
“Northern Australia is another key element of our agenda going forward. Josh Frydenberg is a powerful advocate,” Mr Turnbull said.

“We have a great story to tell on northern Australia, it is a region of immense opportunity and it needs a powerful advocate and there are few that can match Josh’s dynamism and passion for change and for the development of our nation.”

Christopher Pyne is the new Minister for Industry, Innovation and Science.

“Christopher is going to be at the centre, as is the whole government, of one of our most important agendas,” Mr Turnbull said.

“If we want to remain a prosperous, first-world economy with a generous social welfare safety net – we must be more competitive, we must be more productive, and above all, we must be more innovative.

“We have to work more agilely, more innovative, we have to be more nimble in the way we seize the enormous opportunities that are presented to us.

“We are not seeking to proof ourselves against the future, we are seeking to embrace it. And this is a government and a ministry that has that as its focus.”

Social Services Minister Scott Morrison will take over as Treasurer. Employment Minister Eric Abetz was taken over by Michaelia Cash, one of the several women promoted to Cabinet, along with Kelly O’Dwyer, who will be the new assistant treasurer and small business minister.

Small business portfolio holder Bruce Billson was backbenched.

In two Australian firsts, Marise Payne will become Australia’s first female defence minister, taking over the role from conservative Kevin Andrews, and Ken Wyatt will become Australia’s first Indigenous Government frontbencher taking up the role of assistant health minister.

Arthur Sinodinos was given the role of cabinet secretary and Scott Ryan will be the assistant Cabinet secretary.

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