QMEB » Qld resources employee dies after vehicle stranded him
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Qld resources employee dies after vehicle stranded him

Condor Energy missing worker
Condor Energy missing worker

Authorities are investigating a worker who passed away in Queensland’s Bulloo shire.

Queensland Police officers are examining circumstances that led a Condor Energy employee to die in Durham, 753km southwest of Longreach.

The man’s vehicle became bogged at Woomanooka Road on the morning of 14 January 2024. The 25-year-old decided it was a good idea to walk to the nearest town for help.

A 39-year-old Brisbane woman, who travelled with him in convoy, accompanied him for about half an hour and returned to the vehicle. Eventually another driver stopped, rescued the woman and reported the missing man at 4:30pm.

“Police launched a land and air search including State Emergency Services and general duties officers, with assistance from two mustering helicopters,” police said in a public statement.

“[The] man was sadly located deceased by a helicopter around 5pm [on January 16] … approximately 12km from the car.”

The employer expressed its “deepest condolences” to colleagues and loved ones.

“Our thoughts and prayers are with them during this difficult time. We are working with local authorities in their investigation to understand the circumstances surrounding Cameron’s tragic death,” Condor CEO Carter Dumon said in a public statement.

The woman was taken to a nearby hospital and no physical injuries were found.

“Police have been in contact with the man’s family and our thoughts are with them at this time,” police search and rescue coordinator senior constable Mark Baker said.

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