QMEB » Queensland Resources Council Urges Government To Reject Greens Party Policy
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Queensland Resources Council Urges Government To Reject Greens Party Policy

Queensland Resources Council Urges Government To Reject Greens Party Policy

The Queensland Resources Council is today continuing its ongoing campaign against the Greens political party, using recently released statistics to demonstrate coal’s importance to the nation’s economy.

Chief Executive of Queensland Resources Council (QRC), Michael Roche, said new economic data shows that in the 2013-14 financial year, coal mining in Queensland and NSW contributed more than $66 billion to the states’ economies.

Mr Roche said the industry also supported more than 381,000 jobs.

“With New South Wales going to the polls next month and the new Palaszczuk government settling into office in Queensland, the simple fact that the coal industry supports 17,150 businesses across both states is a timely reminder of its importance,” Mr Roche said.

‘It also brings into sharp focus the catastrophic consequences for Queensland and New South Wales if the Greens are allowed to implement their policy of shutting down the east coast coal industry.

Mr Roche said despite the current downturn in prices, the International Energy Agency continues to forecast long-term demand growth for coal from Asia.

“The IEA is projecting the global coal trade will grow by some 40 percent by 2040, and Queensland and NSW have the opportunity to win back Australia’s position as the world’s largest coal exporter by 2030,” Mr Roche said.

“Queensland continues to enjoy a comfortable lead over New South Wales in terms of economic contribution because of its high-quality and highly valued metallurgical coal that is exported around the world for steel-making.”

“Added to that, there’s the huge potential of the Galilee and Surat coal basins to keep Queensland ahead of our southern colleagues for many decades to come.”

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