Environmental activists temporarily postponed resources activities to openly oppose fossil fuels. Extinction Rebellion recently organised a protest against Bathurst Resources’ Takitimu Coal...
Tag - Extinction Rebellion
An anti-mining demonstrator is being penalised for allegedly blocking a busy road and creating major gridlock for hours in southeast Queensland. Queensland Police recently charged Extinction...
Anti mining demonstrators found attached to a dangerous locking device will face up to two years behind bars according to new rules that came into effect on October 24. The Queensland Parliament...
Annastacia Palaszczuk denounced anti mining demonstrators who disrupted roads, businesses and commuters on October 8. The Queensland Premier condemned Extinction Rebellion activists for putting...
The federal government began ending financial support for anti coal demonstrators who continue to disrupt busy city streets on October 2. Centrelink confirmed it has stopped Newstart payments to at...
An anti mining activist who allegedly glued himself to a busy city bridge will not walk away so easily next time, a judge warned on September 13. Queensland Magistrate Penelope Hay has put Extinction...
Two anti-Adani protestors who superglued themselves to a CBD bridge were arrested and charged on September 12. Queensland Police detained Extinction Rebellion member Tiana Crouch, 17, and fellow...
A Queensland councillor organised dozens of anti mining activists to interrupt city traffic because they fear they are about to lose some of their rights to protest on August 28. Greens Brisbane City...
An anti mining activist locked himself onto a rig to protest against a $21 billion coal project in Central Queensland on August 21. Emu Park local John Williams (pictured) allegedly locked himself to...
Dozens of people have been arrested at an anti mining protest that shut down parts of the Brisbane CBD on August 6. The Queensland Police Service (QPS) confirmed at least 56 suspected supporters of...