Circuit Breaker Lockouts function effectively by isolating the switch to prevent accidental start-up of equipment when being worked on during construction, installation, or maintenance. This in turn helps to safeguard all workers onsite and prevents accidents from happening in the workplace.
Universal Lockout Devices made by Cirlock are just that: Universal, to suit most applications – and easy to use.
The Cirlock UCL-1 will lock out most Miniature Style Circuit Breakers (MCBs). Simply clamp the device onto the toggle of the MCB in the OFF position using a small screwdriver. Place any of the Cirlock Padlocks through the device with a danger tag and your Lockout is complete.
Many circuit breakers are different in shape and have different toggles, Cirlock are proud to offer a number of assorted products in their Universal Lockout range to suit all types of breakers to allow you to perform maintenance work safely.
As well as the UCL-1, Cirlock’s UCL-4 will lock out most Miniature style circuit breakers, and UCL-2 and UCL-5 can be used to lock most larger type moulded case breakers. Most Cirlock UCL devices are made from tough nylon plastics.
Cirlock also offers a convenient pack of 3 different size UCLs for use across all types of plant equipment, it comes complete with a free screwdriver. When used with a Personal Padlock, the devices can lock out circuit breakers of most sizes as well as Fuse Holders. Personal Padlocks are sold separately.
The kit contains:
- 1 x UCL-1 Universal Lockout for MCB’s
- 1 x UCL-2 Universal Lockout for MCCB’s
- 1 x UFL-2 Universal Lockout for Fuse Holders
- 1 x Screwdriver.
DID YOU KNOW? The Cirlock UCL-1 is Made in Australia by Cirlock from Recycled Materials for over 25 Years.
When buying from your wholesaler make sure to ask for the “Australian Made Cirlock UCL-1”.

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