The inaugural Central Queensland Transport Trades and Mining Expo “CQ Expo” will take place in Rockhampton Queensland on the 14th and 15th March 2012. The event is set to become the premier resource trade event for the Transport and Mining industries in Central Queensland with a focus on the unfolding development of the Southern Bowen and Galilee Basins.
The event has already gained the support of major companies such as Adaptalift Hyster, Best Tractor Parts, Ford Motor Company, Bupa Australia, Uretek Ground Engineering, SAI Global, Iveco, CAPS Australia and Ergon Energy with corporate sponsorships now confirmed for Adept Civil, Central Apartments and Hotels, Hutchinson Builders and Wesfarmers Curragh.
Event Organiser, Bob Carroll says “This will be a unique opportunity for companies to exhibit and interact with delegates from the mining and transportation sector, and there is no doubt that they will expand their customer base and grow their business as a result.”
The new event is designed to showcase the extraordinary opportunities for individuals and businesses to engage in the rapidly expanding mining and resources industries. $60 Billion worth of mining is planned for the Southern Bowen and Galilee Basins over the next few years, along with the proposed new Central Queensland Intermodal Logistics Hub.
Rockhampton has always been an industry hub for Central Queensland and now more than ever plays a vital role in the success of local businesses servicing the booming energy and mining industries. The proposed Central Queensland Intermodal Logistics Hub is a testament to this rapidly expanding industry.
CEO of Capricorn Tourism and Economic Development Mary Carroll said “Transport and logistics is an important industry sector for the Central Queensland economy with significant direct benefits flowing from employment and investment. The continuing growth of the Bowen Basin, coupled with development of the Surat and Galilee Basins and the Gladstone LNG industry, will only increase the demand for products and it is essential that regional economic expansion is not constrained by a lack of transport logistics infrastructure. A regional facility may also assist in reducing costs associated with the movement of goods in and out of the region.”
With 25,000 new jobs expected in the Bowen to Galilee Basin region over the next five years, recruitment is still a number one priority for businesses today. Employment opportunities are definitely on the rise, however finding suitably qualified workers is a constant problem mining regions face. This problem will be addressed at the CQ Expo with a number of training institutions getting involved as exhibitors, with a view to informing potential employees of the courses that they need to take in order to gain the qualifications necessary to obtain the job that they want.
The Surat Basin Energy and Mining Expo held in Toowoomba in June exceeded all expectations in this area with 1,811 visitors to the expo seeking information on employment and career options.
This is a typical trend for trade events concentrating on the mining and energy sectors as they continually attract large numbers looking for information on recruitment or developments within the region. This trend is expected to continue at the CQ Expo as such industries within the region expand.
Rockhampton Regional Council Mayor, Councillor Brad Carter is delighted to see the announcement and commitment for the Central Queensland Transport, Trades & Mining Expo as these are growing sectors of the Rockhampton Region’s economy.
“The coming resources growth is already having a beneficial impact and mining and transport are two elements for which considerable growth is predicted,” Cr Carter said.
“Rockhampton Regional Council is pleased to be able to work with the event organisers, Australian Events, to bring this important annual event to Rockhampton,” he said.
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