QMEB » Drilling fluid taken off market due to asbestos ingredient
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Drilling fluid taken off market due to asbestos ingredient

Asbestos has been detected in NUTPLUG, a drilling fluid used in the mining industry, according to a Safety Bulletin issued by NSW Mines Safety.

The unfortunately named product was  imported by a drilling fluid supplier and distributed to several companies in Queensland in recent months.  The product contains crushed nutshells and is used to re-establish circulation of drilling fluid when lost.

According to the Safety Bulletin “The product contains asbestos and has been removed from the market. ”

NSW Mines Safety is recommending that, ” If identified, NUTPLUG should be quarantined and removed by specialist waste removal experts for safe disposal.

If NUTPLUG is identified, operators can contact the Environment Protection Authority and WorkCover for further information on safe removal of asbestos.

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