QMEB » Mideco’s Ultimate De-Dusting Solution – The Bat Booth 2.0
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Mideco’s Ultimate De-Dusting Solution – The Bat Booth 2.0

Mideco Bat Booth

Every day, millions of workers around the world are inhaling dust which contains various types of chemicals that can cause different health complications and respiratory disorders. The main culprit here is silica, the respirable crystalline silica (RCS) released during grinding, crushing, sawing, and drilling of silica containing materials can permanently damage the lung tissue. RCS can cause a range of serious respiratory conditions such as silicosis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, kidney disease, and lung cancer. Although work uniforms are designed for staff’s health and protection, if not cleaned effectively can cause harm.

An innovative solution for this problem has been developed by Mideco, an Australian-owned engineering company established in 1950, bringing together generations of expertise and unrivalled capacity. Mideco’s Bat Booth® is a personnel dust extraction device which uses the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) design that can remove up to 80% dust in 10 seconds using only compressed air. The dust is not just blown off but captured and contained with the help of powerful filters which are effective against even the smallest dust particles. The Bat Booth® Standard is the basic model which uses simple but effective technology to get rid of dust that has accumulated on the person’s clothing in 10 seconds. It is equipped with powerful HEPA filters which comply with the latest international standard and are currently the most efficient filters commercially available. One of the most valuable Bat Booth® features is that it can be used frequently throughout the day without causing delay to work processes. This is due to the simplicity of installation and use as the unit arrives fully assembled, which means it is operational almost immediately. The Bat Booth® can be installed at any site, can be inside a building or even out in the open air. On the back of the success of our Bat Booth® Standard, Mideco launched the Bat Booth® Premium which combines simple de-dusting with body temperature checking, smart integrated technology and real-time reporting. A smarter, sleek, simple and effective variation of Bat Booth® Standard is the Bath Booth® Premium.  It has a medically calibrated infra-red sensor to measure the person’s body temperature which can detect early signs of heat stress, a control panel inside the booth which changes colour and displays instructions based on the temperature; all in less than half a second.

The Bat Booth® has been successfully implemented at multiple quarrying and mining sites in Australia, the US and Canada. Bat Booth® has also won a number of awards: “Highly Commended” in the “Best Practice in Work Health & Safety” category at the “Australian Bulk Handling Award” in Sydney in 2016, and “The Most Innovative Dust Removal Solution in the Australian Enterprise Awards 2019”. Mideco is the finalist of Australian Bulk Handling Awards 2020 for its project in Tasmania – Bat Booth® implementation for Sun Pharmaceutical Industries site in Latrobe. More importantly, it has been included in the Dust Control Handbook for Industrial Minerals Mining and Processing (2019) produced by NIOSH. Among the two designs that comply with NIOSH, Bat Booth® was presented as one of the examples for removing dust from personnel uniforms, thus helping prevent dust related diseases, in particular those caused by silica exposure. By using Bat Booth® to take the dust off your clothes, you are saving yours as well as your family’s life and that is why Mideco is your partner in environmental technology.

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